These programs are becoming increasingly popular as workplaces strive to create a working environment that feels like a supportive community, and not just a job. Employ Health’s Health and Wellness Programs offer a wide variety of options to address manageable health and safety risks, through a comprehensive and tailored approach to each individual workplace’s needs.  

What Is A Health And Wellness Program?

Health and Wellness Programs are proactive initiatives designed to improve the overall health and wellbeing of an employee, which in turn improves their overall health at work.  

Employ Health offers a wide variety of Health and Wellness Programs including, but not limited to; Mental Health First Aid, Fit for Life Checks, 8 Week Challenges, Active Office™ Presentations and Wellness Seminars. 

Benefits Of Health And Wellness Programs For Your Business

Ageing Population

Australia has a rapidly growing ageing population and this has been well documented over the years. A large proportion of this population is choosing to leave the workforce early as a result of health and wellness issues. Health and Wellness Programs can help to promote safer and healthier work environments to encourage older people to remain in the workplace. Keeping these people in your workplace will ensure the business continues to benefit from the expertise and experience these people bring, as well as safeguard against any associated skill shortages.

Improved Productivity

A study conducted by the Robert Walters Group across Australia and New Zealand concluded that ‘productivity gains of up to 15% can be achieved through upgrading the workplace environment.’ Through various Health and Wellness Program inclusions, disengagement and high stress levels can be addressed, leading to employees feeling valued, secure, supported and respected. This in turn can lead to greater productivity and loyalty to the organisation.

Retention Rates

A study by Kaplan (2004) argued that one of the biggest benefits of a Health and Wellbeing Program is improved retention rates. There are high costs associated with staff turnover, intellectual property. Induction time and costs associated with replacing staff. The World Economic Forum (2010), found that a workplace is four times more likely to lose employees in a 12 month period if they perceive the workplace’s health and wellbeing promotion to be poor. Consequently, if they have a favourable view of the workplace health promotion, 64% of employees plan to stay with the workplace for at least five years.

Benefits Of Health And Wellness Programs For Your Team

Workplace Health and Wellness Programs are a fantastic opportunity to increase health awareness and provide an opportunity for behaviour change. A study by Ackland et al. (2005) found that Health and Wellbeing Programs had positive effects on areas such as physical activity, nutrition, body composition, smoking cessation, and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes risk. A healthy workplace is a happy workplace.

Presenteeism is becoming a concerning trend within the workplace setting. In studies by the Queens School of Business and by the Gallup Organisation, disengaged workers had 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and 60% more errors and defects. Workplace Health and Wellness Programs are working to change these statistics. Reducing presenteeism starts with a positive culture and this is exactly what Health and Wellness Programs create.

A study by the Robert Walters Group found that 92% of employees said that it was very important for them to work in a workplace with a wellness program in place. Wellness Proposals (2009) also found that improved staff morale and productivity leads to a large proportion of the success of a business. Health and Wellness Programs play a large role in creating happy and healthy workers who perform well, which benefits both the employer and the employee.

Examples Of Health And Wellbeing Program Inclusions

At Employ Health, we have a wide range of Health and Wellbeing to suit every workplace’s needs! Below are just a few examples of the different Health and Wellbeing Programs we can offer at your workplace. Each program will be tailored specifically for your workplace’s needs and requirements. We will work with you closely each step of the way to ensure the Health and Wellbeing program is something you can be proud to offer at your workplace. 

Mental Health Program

Each year 1 in 5 New Zealanders will experience a mental illness. Although physical first aid is widely known and accepted within the community, most individuals do not know what to do when someone is experiencing a mental health problem within their workplace. Employ Health’s Mental Health First Aid program, teaches employees the skills they need to identify and help someone who they may be concerned about. 

Wellness Seminars

Wellness Seminars are a diverse and comprehensive Health and Wellbeing Program inclusion. They vary from Active Office™ presentations to Movewell Training sessions to Sleep seminars. They are catered to suit the specific audience and can be modified or changed depending on the workplace’s needs. 

Fit For Life Health Checks

The Employ Health Fit for Life Program aims to improve the health of your business through improving the health of your workforce. Research into Health and Wellness Programs has been shown to demonstrate a return on investment of $5 for every $1 invested. The Fit for Life Health Checks give employees a snapshot of their current health that focuses on the risk factors for chronic lifestyle diseases. They can be used as a strategy to identify and structure risk minimisation interventions.

Corporate Fitness Program

Corporate Fitness Programs can include both personal and/or group training sessions. They can be run both face to face and virtually depending on the settings of the workplace. Employ Health offers a range of Corporate Fitness Programs including but not limited to; Pilates, aerobic endurance, core stability, muscle strength, flexibility and balance.

Why Employ Health?

Workplace Hub

At Employ Health, we are committed to executing our vision of making the workplace a hub for health change. We acknowledge that making long term changes to a workplace’s health and well-being is not an easy process. That is why we pride ourselves on being ‘marathon runners’ - we’re in this with you for the long haul. We’re focused on long term partnerships that create sustainable workplace health changes and growth, rather than quick fixes that are only feasible in the short term.

Innovative Provider

Employ Health is one of New Zealand's most innovative workplace health and risk management providers, with demonstrated experience in delivering onsite physiotherapy services to a range of industries. Our experienced leadership team has been undertaking workplace health and risk management services since 2006 and have built a team of elite performers in workplace health. Through our onsite ‘health hub’ model we have helped our partners increase productivity, reduce LTIs and slash thousands from their Workers’ Compensation premiums.

'Game Changers'

At Employ Health, we are ‘game changers’. We strive to exceed expectations and deliver new ways of thinking. We acknowledge that every workplace is different and therefore, we are passionate about ensuring that each onsite program we deliver is specifically tailored to that workplace’s needs. We love a challenge and work closely with our partners to establish a program that they are happy with, and that we know will get the best outcome for that particular workplace. We are not happy with average, at Employ Health we strive to produce game changing results.

Frequently Asked Questions

To ensure a Workplace Health and Wellbeing Program is successful and well utilised by all employees, we highly recommend the senior leadership team within the organisation champion the program, through regularly mentioning it in meetings/toolbox talks, and participating in the program themselves. It is also recommended that the senior leadership team create an employee group who assist with driving the Health and Wellbeing Program. This can be through feedback forums and driving suggestions and new initiatives to be included in the program.

This is something Employ Health is happy to assist your business with based on the information you provide to us about your workplace. Employ Health is happy to provide feedback about objectives that we believe will benefit the business in the long term, based on our previous experience in this area.

The effectiveness of a Health and Wellbeing Program in the workplace is determined by the objectives that are agreed upon at the start of the program. At the conclusion of the program, we will provide you with feedback about these objectives and the results of the overall success of the program. This will in turn help to determine which direction the workplace decides to go from there to continue to improve the wellbeing of their business.

There are grants available for different industries but we recommend looking into this yourself to see if your workplace is eligible. 

Make sure you get in touch! We’re always happy to talk you through the process of implementing Health and Wellbeing Programs into your workplace!