What Is A Fit For Life Employee Health Assessment?

Our Fit For Life Health Assessments provide a general health snapshot for workers through measurements such as blood pressure, blood cholesterol/glucose and sleep, exercise & nutrition questionnaires. Workers are booked in for a confidential appointment, carry out a battery of the above tests and are then provided a report of their health findings. At a site level, data is deidentified and used to display trends in health.

What Does A Fit For Life Check Include?

  • Sleep, Exercise & Nutrition questionnaires
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood cholesterol/glucose
  • Anthropometry (BMI, waist/hip ratio)
  • Tanita Scales (Bone mass, muscle mass, fat mass, biological age)
  • Strength testing
  • Diabetes risk
  • Stress, Depression & Anxiety questionnaires

Importance of Employee Health Assessments In The Workplace

Change in Health Culture

Poor health behaviour can have a significant impact on workplace culture. Not only does it erode the message of care that businesses aim to impart to their employees, it can lead to losses in productivity as well as rises in absenteeism & presenteeism. By shining a light on the key areas of health change that a site requires, businesses can adopt a number of health strategies to mitigate risk as well as promote health as a core workplace ethos.

Targeted Health Change

Wouldn’t it be great to address your 3 biggest health risks onsite in a targeted approach? Wellness calendars are a great initiative for many businesses looking to improve their workplace culture, however, the greatest time and resource allocation should be allotted to your biggest risks. Let’s say your site had a significantly elevated risk of Type 2 Diabetes; this data allows your wellness calendar to focus on this area and use this as a launching point for broader exercise & nutrition discussions throughout the year.

Employer of Choice

Any businesses looking to walk the walk when it comes to becoming an employer of choice needs to shine a light on the importance the business places on employee health. A Fit For Life Assessment is the launching point for understanding your health climate and then implementing yearly strategies that can be implemented and proudly celebrated.

Why Employ Health?

Data Management

Employ Health’s custom Data Management Platform allows full capture of all site health trends and gives businesses a snapshot of where to best invest their time & resources. Our platform also allows for loss projections of productivity, absenteeism & presenteeism stemming from poor health behaviours & parameters.

The Start of a Health Journey

Data is a strong foundation, however we seek to work with businesses to use this data to craft a 12 month health & wellness calendar to create change within your workforce. Whether this involves targeted campaigns around key areas such as Diabetes & Smoking, to high impact engagement activities such as our 8 Week Challenge, we have a service to fit any and all health requirements your workplace may need.

History of Health Success

We have been delivering Fit For Life Screens across Australia and New Zealand for over 10 years. Employ Health has vast experience in identifying site based health data, enacting wellness plans to address risk and then reducing business loss, and have been privileged to bring health into the lives of workers across 50 businesses ANZ wide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fit For Life Health Assessments are entirely optional.

All reports are made immediately available to workers, and immediately appear on our Data Management Platform.

Only workers and Employ Health are privy to the identified results of the assessment. Any data used at a broader level is completely deidentified.

All of our Physiotherapists at Employ Health are qualified to complete the battery of tests in our Fit For Life Health Assessments.